It’s time to kick off some of the deal announcements for the 2023 Tent Sale!
Penn has always been one of our top sponsors for the event. You will find killer deals and huge savings on ALL Penn rods, reels and combos.
On top of the heavily discounted prices, you will also receive up to 300yds of SpiderWire braided line with the purchase of any Penn reel or combo for free, an additional savings of up to $54!
Penn Battle III DX/Fenwick HMG Inshore combos spooled with braid in sizes 2500-4000 which retail for $229.99-$239.99 will be marked down to only $139.99-$149.99 while supplies last!
We will have plenty of other inshore, offshore and surf combos that we have put together and spooled up with some mega savings as well!
You can’t forget about the raffle either! For every $100 spent, you will receive a raffle ticket to be eligible to win a Penn Authority combo, Penn Slammer IV combo and a Penn Spinfisher VII combo along with thousands of dollars in other prizes up for grabs!
If you’ve ever attended one of our tent sales before, you know how much you will be able to save and this year will feature more and better deals than ever! You won’t want to miss out! Be here on Saturday, December 16th between 8am – 6pm to catch the deals of the year!